Model shipbuilding around the world

People have been building models of boats and ships for millennia. These days, thanks to the internet, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to dip your toe in the water, so to speak, and start putting together a kit or begin building a collection.

Luxury and shopping in Muscat, Oman

Looking around Muscat it’s difficult to believe that just over a generation ago Oman was a country without a single luxury hotel and barely 10km of tarmac road. Times have changed markedly since July 1970, when Qaboos bin Said became the Sultan of Oman.

Home dining in Estonia

“I was always interested in cooking but I’m not a professional chef,” says Merrit Kiho demurely. She’s putting the final touches to a plate of homemade rabbit pate and black bread in the kitchen of her house, which doubles as one of the top-rated restaurants in Estonia.

Oberweis Luxembourg

On entering the Oberweis flagship store, in central Luxembourg, I mutter a wow of appreciation at the immaculate presentation of the cakes, pastries and delicatessen items displayed in the counters on the ground floor.